Tuesday, June 29, 2010

One more day

Tomorrow is my last day of internship. My year long vicarage at Bethel Lutheran Church will end. It will feel so strange to wake up Thursday with no office to go to or no visits to make. I am happy that I have successfully met all of the challenges presented to me during the past year. I am most happy for all of the people who kept me in their prayers (Thanks be to God). I am now waiting to hear from CMS regarding employment. I am also waiting to hear from the housing director at LSTC regarding an available apartment. I will be in Bartonville until an apartment becomes available. I will be doing pulpit supply in Lacon, Pekin, and Glasford this month. With the bishop's permission, I will preside at Holy Communion in Pekin. I look forward to moving back to Chicago. I especially miss Hyde Park. I also look forward to my last semester at LSTC. I only have two classes left (Constructive Theology and Advanced Exegesis--The Gospel of Luke). I guess I will sharpen my Koine Greek over the summer. I'm also looking forward to several Summer activities in Chicago; like the book sorting for the friends of the Oak Park Library in July and the book fair in August. I also look forward to the silent film festival in Portage Park, and the fireworks at Navy Pier every Wednesday and Saturday.

Monday, June 28, 2010

World Cup News

Deutschland gewinnt! Germany Wins!

Je m'appelle Noelle

Hello to all my family and friends. All of my family and close friends know me as Bobbi, all others know me as Juanita. For as long as I remember, I have always disliked the name Juanita. A couple of years ago I almost legally changed my name to Noelle Snow. I chose this name because my mom once said to me you know you're name should have been Noelle. (Yeah I agreed). So since it is expensive to legally change my first and last name but, no charge to assume a new first name, I have decided to assume the name Noelle.